Jelly Babies' dark past and other #FridayFunFacts

Jelly Babies' dark past and other #FridayFunFacts

Are you ready for these fun facts? I don't think you are. Oh you are? Alright then, brace yourselves: Jelly babies, the sweets, used to be called unclaimed babies.


On the flipside of naming conventions, there is a street in York, England named Whip Ma Whop Ma Gate, which means "What a street!" (Somebody was excited when they got to name it.) 

Electric eels can deliver shocks of over 800 volts, which is more than three times the voltage you would get from a plug socket in your house!

You know how everyone is obsessed with getting their 10000 steps in or however many they need to get a free smoothie? Well those add up! The average person walks 120,800 kilometers in their lifetime. That's five times around the Earth!

The number 42 (which is brilliant, of course) is actually considered unlucky in Japanese culture because the numerals, when pronounced separately, (shi ni) sound like the word "death". Thank goodness our corporate identity isn't samurai themed...

And lastly, a totally useless yet true fun fact:

Cut Tennis Balls in half
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The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

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